Getting Started With the Software

Mehmet Ali Yılgın
3 min readMar 3, 2022

Hello everyone! Today, we will talk about what need we do getting started with software. I’ve been with a lot of people who are just starting out learning software. I’m going to talk about the flaws I see in these people and what needs to be done right. First rule, stay away from unmotivated people!

I’ll start by saying a few things that went wrong first. To start learning a language without reading documents, without listening to educational videos, without searching the necessary libraries. You can’t do anything without knowing what’s what, man! What? How? Why am I doing this? What is the purpose of these people? What is this programming language? How does it work? You should know these.

Programming Languages

Which language should I start with?

There are basic languages that you must learn when starting to learn software. These basic languages will inform you about algorithm. In this first place, you should stay away from programming languages that we call high-level. (ex: Phyton)

You can start training with languages such as Java, C++, C. ( Intermediate programming languages)


If you want to work in different countries in the future, the golden rule is: Lions! Definitely English learning training.

Research and Development

You have to learn research and development. Whichever programming language you are learning, you should know how to read the documents of that programming language. Therefore, never escape from the English language, because many documents are written in English.

Feel free to add personal codes to the programs you make. This will both add originality to you and increase your development speed.

Videos and Tutorials

The internet has developed a lot nowadays. Platforms such as Youtube and Udemy have a lot of content. Definitely use these resources. You get very useful information from the trainers.

What should be done for development?

After you decide to learn software, the first thing you will do is to start a project immediately besides the theory information. Start for free at a company if you can. This will add a lot to you. With people who know, the improvement will be doubled and you will save time. Meanwhile, you will also advance in your professional career.

Industry Information

Yes man: Money! This item is at the top of everything. You must do very well at what you do. The designs and codes you don’t like should never be in your projects. You should pretend to please the customer. Try to be perfect.


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